My exploits abroad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

more pre-flight

i enjoy updating this with like 2 sentences.  also, about nothing.  
My modules (in america we call them classes) are now posted online.  From what I can understand, I have one class everyday, except tuesday, when I have...NONE! Its going to be a good semester.  I will have some class on the weekend because of the british culture class I am taking, which is all about the field trips.  Its all very exciting, and seemingly chill. I am making an effort to (a) figure out the public transportation  system before I actually need to to get around.  (There is a definite potential for walking to most of the campus, but its a long walk, so public transport will be great if I can figure it all out) and (b)not spend all my money before I get there  (Money is also really stressing me out because the pound is much higher than the dollar (1lb = about 1.62 dollars) and my rent it about 150 a week, plus I have to buy food, and just live, and I want to live it up.  Streeeeessssfuuullll.  Hannah and I turned in our tenant application today, which, from what I understand, seals the deal on a town home in Yorkshire apartments for next semester.  Mainly I'm still skeptical because it was really simple to complete this process, and everything else seemed to be so difficult, I feel like this should have been too, but it wasn't.  Weird.  House warming festivities will follow.  I don't have cool pictures yet, however, I feel like this has potential to become a photo blog.  I like those better.  
Please continue the prayers, because in His perfect time, God is totally answering! 
this was way more than 2 sentences.  
ok thats all.  


  1. I didn't know you were studying abroad in the UK; what city?

    Minor note: Symbol for the pound, as in the currency, is £ - you can type it on a Mac keyboard with alt+3 and windows keyboard with alt+0163 (I have a mac, but I think that is right).

  2. skateboard, razor scooter, hamster ball...any of these is low cost transportation, but check the cultural relevancy first.

  3. Oh my gosh you're spending a lot on rent over there!!! And as for the whole getting a Yorkshire apartment is too easy to be true thing, don't worry. I was like "Is this application really it?" And it was. That and setting up utilities, which was a little more difficult because I was out of state. But yeah. Can't wait to have you as my neighbor in the spring!


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