My exploits abroad

Thursday, October 15, 2009

1 Month In

So I've been here a month. Its so crazy to think that. I can't believe I'm almost half way done with this experience. It been so slow, yet so fast. I don't even know what to think about it.
I do know that I've learned some stuff though, so, another list could be interesting.

What I've learned thus far:
1. Pasta gets really boring after a while.
2. Cooking isn't that hard. Doing it well might be, but making edible food is totally possible
3. Climbing trees is funny, and a little scary. There's no ropes to catch you if you fall.
4. I can stand up for 4 hours straight, and have an awesome time!
5. Public Transportation is pretty simple if you just pay attention.
6. London is expensive
7. I am capable of saving money
8. I am redeemed. I am forgiven, and my sins are as far away as the east is from the west.
9. I was not given a spirit of timidity (these 2 are still a work in progress, and I feel that may never change)
10. I can take good pictures sometimes.
11. I can make friends and meet new people and not be afraid.
12. I can keep in touch with people.
13. Sometimes, I write plays. and it actually works
14. The fact that I enjoy hardcore is surprising.
15. I like red wine more than other alcohol
16. An ipod is something precious, but I can survive without it
17. USPS sometime ruins things. FYI
18.I have an amazing boyfriend (not that I didn't know this before. This semester is just solidifying the fact in my mind)
19. I am American, and sometimes I have to be okay with that, because its the truth
20. I don't know if I could live in a city like London. The number of people overwhelm me. I always thought I was a big city type person. I'm not so sure thats true.

2 more months, and I'll be home. So weird, but this is turning out to be exactly what I needed.


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