My exploits abroad

Saturday, October 3, 2009

picture from the end of the week

this is my class. the only boring one.
this is my small group. it was really good!!

these are the buns I made, don't they look professional??

Before the party last night, Kim and I walked around in Knotting Hill. There's alot of Cool vintage shope (some are REALLY expensive) and these outlet stores where everything is £5. It was fun, but we got there as soon as they were all closing, so we didn't get to see much.
Then we went to a party with Hillsong young adults in this really trendy bar. It was so nice to be there and not have to worry about getting hit on by drunk guys, and to just hang out. We met some girls from the US who were here for grad school (one was even from NC), some other uni students from singapore, and two people from Latvia. Also some sweet brits. It was a really fun night, and not super crazy which was nice. I had a really great red wine (well I thought it was great) and we just hung out and met some new people.

As to my tweet last night:
So then we came home from the party. It was about 11, and the buses that late only run about every 30 min, so I was hurrying to the bus stop to try and catch one in less than 30 min. Well I did, only it was going the wrong way. I wasn't too worried at first, because I thought I was already close to the end of the route and I could just stay while it turned around. I wasn't. I rode it for like 20 min in the wrong direction till it got to the end of the route, then had to wait like 20 min for it to get back on schedule, then finally got back on going in the right direction and had to ride for like 45 min to the complete other end. The whole time I'm waiting it was sketchy and there were drunk people walking around, and I had no idea where I was, and it was all very stressful. But I did get home safely, and got to see another part of the area that I hadn't yet. It also took me like an hour and a half to get home. I realized this morning that I made it sound like I was totally wasted and met some strange man and almost got killed or something on my tweet last night. no, I was just lost and a little dumb.

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