I didn't post yesterday, mostly because nothing worthy of a post really happened. All I did was go to class, which was really great because I am starting to feel like I am fitting in to their little club of year 2 students. It was nice. Then I came home for a while, and then went to Raquel's in Clapham to write my paper. Not very much paper writing actually went down, but I did get some new music, and discover my harddrive on my computer is full. I am in need of an external, which I refuse to buy while I'm here, considering everything is so much more expensive. If anyone would like to donate to this fund, please make queries in a comment, email, twitter post, or on facebook.
Today was a day of culture. Cate and I got up and left for London at about 11. We headed to the London Film Festival, with tickets to 2 movies, and 6 hours in between to kill.
The first movie was called Bright Star
It was about the love affair between the British Poet Keats and another girl he knew. It was absolutely beautiful. The costumes were stunning, the shots were amazing, and the acting, especially that of Keat's lover, was amazing. The plot lacked a little character development, but that was made up for in its artful use of the authors actual poems. My favorite part was actually the credits, where Keat's poem Bright Star was read over stringed music. Everyone in the theatre stayed for all of them.
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art---
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors---
No---yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever---or else swoon in death.
Then Cate and I decided to head to the national gallery, since it was relatively close to the second showing on the southbank. We sat outside and ate and talked about politics for a while, then went in and spent about 3 hours there. It might have been less. There were tons of amazing works there. Lots of Monet and Manet and Renior and ect ect ect. There is something about standing in front of a 100, 200 year old painting by one of these masters that makes you feel so small in the grand scheme of life. It was completely humbling. I'm pretty sure we also scared a security guard. He walked around us suspiciously. Because we look totally menacing and sketchy. I feel like I am constantly a target for things like that. especially at the airport. Its very weird, because I don't think that I look in any way threatening....
Then we went and had something to eat and drink while we continued to wait for the movie, which wasn't until 9.
It was called The Ape.
This movie was so weird. It is about a guy who wakes up with blood all over him, and tries to go about his daily life and pretend like nothing is happening, when clearly it is. **spoiler** We eventually fined out that he has some issues with rage, and that he has killed his wife, and badly injured his child, whom he takes to the hospital when he realizes he is still alive. He also kills his mom in the film. He tried to commit suicide, but can't go through with it. In the end he is arrested. The thing is, there is no music in the film except when he goes into a church and the choir is singing, and rarely does anyone speak. Its mostly just him walking around, trying to be normal, and freaking out. The acting is stunning. It is amazing how the actor can say nothing, and still affect an audience so much. I feel like it was a good movie, but it was so intense and creepy, I will not say that I, in any way, liked it.
Then we came home, and I am very sleepy.
Day full of culture while skipping my culture class-success.
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