My exploits abroad

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

addendum to My List

I was looking through some old blogs (yeah i'm a nerd.) and I found this from March. Things have changed a bit. Somethings I have done, some things I'm okay with not doing. Something are within my sight.

Sometime in my life

-Live in Europe (in the process)
-Travel through Europe (in the process)
-Go to at least 10 different countries (in the process)
-Live in Dominican Republic, or at least go back more than once
-Teach in a public school, one that serves inner city kids
-Open my own theatre company
- Have dreads (done it. hated it. might do it again)
-climb a real mountain
-go hiking....alot (next semester i'm taking a hiking class. just saying.)
-get married (:-D)
-live somewhere where snow happens...often
-actually use something i've made
-have a child
-join the peace corps (i'm not sure this is something on my list anymore. I don't know if living alone in a country where I know no one and don't speak the language that is also scary and dangerous is for me. I just don't know.)
-become bilingual, or close
- direct a play
- play the guitar
- sell or have a picture published
- be a leader
- see God change a community. Be a part of it.
- Have a script published. (I'm writing one...or two... right now)


  1. "live somewhere where snow happens...often"

    I fully support this. It is an excellent experience. But you might have to give it a few years to grow on you. Or you might love it right away. But it's awesome.

  2. Bruce. I feel like there is some possibility of me living near greenbay. given the current situation. it snow there

  3. Ah. Green Bay wouldn't be as fortunate as I thought. But at least there would be snow!


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